We are currently investigating an outage with the "ECHO" server. Customers on this server will notice their websites are offline. We are working to resolve the issue.
You may view live uptime status here: https://status.snox.ca
Thank you for your patience.
2018-11-01 14:50 UPDATE: The cause has been identified and we are working to restore services.
2018-11-02 09:12 UPDATE: We're at the mercy of our cloud hosting provider. We are working and patiently waiting on their team to assist recovering their host to bring back our server. If all else fails we will be spinning up a new server and restoring customer backups from Oct 29th. We apologize for the extended downtime.
2018-11-02 11:56 UPDATE: The issue has now been resolved. We apologize greatly for the downtime. As per our SLA customers may request account credit for the downtime. We thank you for your patience. We will be working to ensure an incident like this does not happen again.
Thursday, November 1, 2018