
100% Uptime Guarantee

We believe that you should get the service that you pay for, every month. All of our web hosting...

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you are unhappy with your hosting account with us for any reason or just wish to close the...

Are there any hidden fees?

There are no hidden fees. All possible fees are listed on our plan detail pages.

Can I add another person to my account?

Yes, you can add multiple sub-contacts to your account who will also have access to your client...

Can I cancel my hosting but keep the domain?

Yes, you can cancel the hosting package associated with your registered domain at Sheernox and...

Cancelling Your Account

To cancel your account, you need to send in a ticket requesting the account to be cancelled. Be...

Do you accept PayPal?

Yes, we accept payments through PayPal.

How can I change my billing address?

It's mandatory according to our terms of service to have a valid billing address on file at all...

How can I change my payment method?

If you're currently paying with credit card, simply removing the credit card from your account...

How can I update my credit card information?

You can manage your credit card on file at any time in the client portal under Account -->...

How do I add funds/money to my account as a credit?

Add funds to your account with us to avoid lots of small transactions and to automatically take...

How do I upgrade my account?

Almost any upgrade to your account can be made instantly by our support team. When requesting an...

How to cancel Paypal subscription for recurring payments?

If you've set up an automatic PayPal subscription for recurring payments, you can cancel the...

I need an extension on my invoice due date

If you are unable to make the payment on time due to unforeseen circumstances, please open a...

Incorrect Billing

If you believe you were incorrectly billed, please submit a ticket to us explaining what you...

What is your cancellation policy?

In adherence to our terms of service, we kindly request a notification period of seven days for...